En god nyhet i fallet Magnitskij: den oklarhet som fanns kring ett Sverige-besök av William Browder, Magnitskijs arbetsgivare fram till dennes död 2009, är till synes undanröjd. Kremls försök att via Interpol begränsa Browders rörlighet har fallit, eftersom Interpol har avskrivit den ryska begäran om ett gripande som ogrundad.
Det skedde redan i somras, men spillde i Sveriges fall över på hösten genom att ett besök i Stockholm av Browder fick ställas in i brist på ”garanti” från den svenska regeringen att Browder inte skulle gripas. Efter den svenska polisens besked nyligen att något gripande inte kommer att äga rum står det nu Browder fritt att uppdatera den svenska riksdagen på plats om utvecklingen i fallet.
Nyheten spreds bland annat i denna artikel:
MOSCOW. Oct 11 (Interfax). Swedish law enforcement agencies have refused to detain Hermitage Capital co-founder and CEO William Browder, who was declared internationally wanted by the Russian authorities, the investment
advisory said in a press release seen by Interfax on Friday.Today the Swedish police deleted Russia’s request seeking the detention of William Browder, leader of the international campaign for justice in lawyer Sergei Magnitsky’s case, dismissing it as politically motivated, according
to the press release.The Swedish police informed Browder’s legal team of their decision in a letter, it said. Any information concerning Browder was removed from Swedish law enforcement services’ database on instructions issued by Interpol’s General
Secretariat, which recognized the Russian request as politically motivated and refused to grant it citing the Interpol Constitution, according to the press release.
advisory said in a press release seen by Interfax on Friday.Today the Swedish police deleted Russia’s request seeking the detention of William Browder, leader of the international campaign for justice in lawyer Sergei Magnitsky’s case, dismissing it as politically motivated, according
to the press release.The Swedish police informed Browder’s legal team of their decision in a letter, it said. Any information concerning Browder was removed from Swedish law enforcement services’ database on instructions issued by Interpol’s General
Secretariat, which recognized the Russian request as politically motivated and refused to grant it citing the Interpol Constitution, according to the press release.
The Swedish police assured Browder’s lawyers that he would not be detained at Russia’s request, which Interpol says runs counter to its constitution, the Hermitage Capital press service said, referring to the Swedish police’s statement.
Förvecklingarna har uppmärksammats internationellt bl a i Wall Street Journal, i artikeln “The Long Arm of Vladimir Putin; Sweden is playing into the hands of Moscow’s strongman” (8/10)
Även i magasinet US News & World Report kommenteras saken:
I mitten av november samlas den internationella Magnitsky-gruppen i Bryssel under ledning av Irwin Cotler, tidigare Kanadas justitieminister, för att planera det fortsatta arbetet för rättvisa i fallet Magnitskij.